Future Skills Research Lab Logo

The partnership asks: What skills do children need to be taught and how can we teach these skills so that all children will prosper in the future?

Little scholarly and policy knowledge currently exists about what kinds of education and skills children will need to thrive in the future. Of that research, very little focuses on children; research and policy attention has been focused on the adult learner and worker. Technological change is happening so quickly that jobs are emerging and disappearing in unpredictable ways. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that our current methods of education delivery are not agile, efficient, or equitable.

Our work will: contribute vital insights to academic research on children’s learning; provide practical information on how to design programs that support children’s education; and create workable solutions for parents, policymakers, and community providers.

Training and skills development policy options

Canada must prepare for the growing need to retrain workers displaced by disruptive technologies. To do so, governments must have a thorough sense of the effectiveness of current employment retraining programs.

Canada’s skills training programs recommendations

Canada must prepare for the growing need to retrain workers displaced by disruptive technologies. To do so, governments must have a thorough sense of the effectiveness of current employment retraining programs.

Who gets to define 21st century skills?

Over the last two decades, consensus around what abilities people need to thrive in the global economy has coalesced around a set of core skills: creativity, collaboration, problem solving, ICT literacy, coding, and so on.

Understanding 21st century skills needed in response to Industry 4.0

International policy agendas are increasingly focusing on the 21st century skills needed by future workers (otherwise called soft skills, digital skills or survival skills). This paper seeks to understand the structure of academic knowledge in this area, through is a bibliometric analysis of 2662 articles published by 6579 authors in the last twenty...
Equity in Education logo.
University of Toronto Logo in white.

Mailing Address

Department of Management
University of Toronto Scarborough
UTSC Instructional Centre
1095 Military Trail
Toronto, ON M1C 1A4

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