Samantha Burns
Providing more flexible work options for women
Flexible work helps women achieve a more sustainable work-life balance, but they have less access to those options than men. Could the pandemic...
Navigating Technology in the classroom
A scoping review of technology use during peer collaboration in early educational settings. Early educational settings such as early childhood...
Cultivating Young Minds
Creativity and self-directed learning (SDL) have been identified as two key skills that children need to develop for success in the 21st century. As...
Policy Frameworks and Parental Choice
Many children in Canada and the United States experience poor-quality child care on a regular basis. Under the rubric of “parent choice,”...
Improving young children’s peer collaboration in early educational settings
Peer collaboration is a foundational skill that emerges in early childhood. Children spend significant time in early educational settings, making it...
Child care policy and child care burden
The policy feedback literature highlights that the design of public policies can affect recipients’ experience of those policies and programs. In...
Beyond the mask: Decoding children’s mental health patterns amidst COVID-19 and the role of parenting
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on children and families worldwide. Children’s mental health has been at the forefront of...
Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Creativity in Early Childhood Education and Care: A Scoping Review
Creativity has been identified as one of the most important skills of the 21st century. The development of creativity begins at an early age. Given...
Defining Peer Collaboration: A scoping review and network analysis
Peer collaboration is a complex skill that emerges in early childhood. However, researchers and practitioners lack a shared understanding/definition...

Mailing Address
Department of Management
University of Toronto Scarborough
UTSC Instructional Centre
1095 Military Trail
Toronto, ON M1C 1A4